Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to violence, the word and the act.


And so it begins. . . .

I’ve decided to put up this site for a few reasons:

  1. I’ve developed a bunch of materials that might prove useful to others (e.g., syllabi for classes that I’ve developed), and I wanted to share them.
  2. I am leaving academia (or trying to, at any rate), and I would like to continue publishing my work.
  3. I’m no longer super-keen on the academic publishing process, and I’d rather publish my ideas in my own voice and for a more general audience.
  4. I’m no longer totally content to post a bon mot or two on facebook.
  5. It seems clear that what the internet really needs at this moment is someone to offer commentary on stuff, and I am heeding that call.

So, click through and enjoy the show.